ClassDescriptionTransform a JUnit xml report.defines acceptable formats.Baseclass for BatchTest and JUnitTest.Create then run
's based on the list of files given by the fileset attribute.Prints plain text output of the test to a specified Writer.Constants, like filenames shared between various classes in this package.Provides a custom implementation of the notifier for a JUnit4TestAdapter so that skipped and ignored tests can be reported to the existingTestListener
s.Some utilities that might be useful when manipulating DOM trees.Filter interface to be applied when iterating over a DOM tree.custom implementation of a nodelistDeprecated.Collects all failing test cases and creates a new JUnit test class containing a suite() method which calls these failed tests.TestInfos holds information about a given test for later use.A wrapper for the implementations ofJUnitResultFormatter
.Enumerated attribute with the values "plain", "xml", "brief" and "failure".Provides the functionality for TestListeners to be able to be notified of the necessary JUnit4 events for test being ignored (@Ignore annotation) or skipped (Assume failures).Records ignored and skipped tests reported as part of the execution of JUnit 4 tests.Adapter between JUnit 3.8.x API and JUnit 4.x API for execution of tests and listening of events (test start, test finish, test failure, test skipped).This Interface describes classes that format the results of a JUnit testrun.Runs JUnit tests.These are the different forking optionsA stream handler for handling the junit task.A log stream handler for junit.Print summary enumeration values.A value class that contains the result of a test.Handles the portions ofJUnitTask
which need to directly access actual JUnit classes, so that junit.jar need not be on Ant's startup classpath.The interface that JUnitResultFormatter extends.Interface that test runners implement.The interface that SummaryJUnitResultFormatter extends.Implementation of the part of the junit task which can directly refer to junit.* classes.Run a single JUnit test.Simple Testrunner for JUnit that runs all tests of a testsuite.Work around for some changes to the public JUnit API between different JUnit releases.Used instead of SummaryJUnitResultFormatter in forked tests if withOutAndErr is requested.Prints plain text output of the test to a specified Writer.Prints short summary output of the test to Ant's logging system.Formatter that doesn't create any output but tries to invoke the tearDown method on a testcase if that test was forked and caused a timeout or VM crash.Interface groups XML constants.Prints XML output of the test to a specified Writer.Aggregates all <junit> XML formatter testsuite data under a specific directory and transforms the results via XSLT.